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A Bit About Mo

Morgan Willow
Yoga Instructor, 32

Beginning my yoga journey 10 years ago, I had no idea I'd be hosting yoga retreats.

What started as a desire to be fit, set off a domino of openings, subtle at first then deeper and more vivid.

Yoga offered a way to start connecting with source.

Started opening me to even being cool with that.


The year I graduated Passion Yoga School, I injured myself the month before the training was to begin. What first presented itself as a roadblock to my ultimate performance and achievement, has blossomed into the ultimate teacher. 

Post surgery, I've had yoga philosophy and practice to turn to, not only to revive my body, but my spirit as well. 


Working as well with Mama Ganja to unlock my muscles and my mind, I marvel at the depths one can go when you let go of control. She teaches me patience, self compassion, fearlessness, and to keep laughing. 


Through this event, I move to be an advocate for the sweet symbiosis of ganja, yoga practices and dance as medicines to release, discover, pray and heal. These toys/tools have shown up in my life and  by embracing them, I have felt expression coming from the very deepest core of being.


Now I joyfully share this knowledge with all who seek and are curious! 







5 Pillars of SYC

  • Playfulness: Because life is a joke! Playfulness is worship, growth, courage,creativity, expression, curiosity into life, your body and its sensations.

  • Plant Medicine: Mama Ganja! Honoring the sacred messages that cannabis holds for each of us, allowing and opening the gift she has for us. 

  • Kinship: Joining as a Sangha, we are all kin to one another. Participation, inclusion, with others, self source-all is one.

  • Conservation: Caring of our earth, spirit and bodies. The property is off grid and on Mono Lake, a vital habitat for millions of birds. So we too can take ourselves off the grid, honoring the land, and giving space to drop into ancient body wisdom through yoga and dance. 

  • Love: Loving ourselves more, loving others more, listening more, raising love vibration around the world.     

Mono Lake, CA

North Shore

Mono Lake Healing Vortex Property 


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